What is Boil CLI?

Boil CLI is a command-line interface tool that allows you to easily retrieve and set up projects generated by the Boil web application. It streamlines the process of getting your generated project code onto your local machine.

How to Use Boil CLI

  1. Install Boil CLI:
    $ curl -sSL | sh
  2. Generate a project on the Boil web app
  3. Use the provided token to retrieve your project:
    $ boil get --token=your_project_token_here

Key Features

  • Easy installation with a single curl command
  • Simple project retrieval using a unique token
  • Seamless integration with the Boil web application
  • Supports both basic and pro project generations

Tips and Best Practices

  • Always use the most recent token provided by the web application
  • Ensure you have necessary permissions in the directory where you're running the CLI
  • For larger projects, consider using the pro generation option for more comprehensive setups